Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Orleans & its music __ Hebe Gurdian

No other American city values music the way New Orleans does. Music is not something that is tangible or measurable, but it is one of the things that people value in this city. New Orleans is especially known for its association with jazz music, it’s even considered to be the birthplace of this genre.

Two examples to represent this are, first, that New Orlean’s airport is named after the legendary musician Louis Armstrong; and second, that after Hurricane Katrina, music helped many evacuees to rebuild their lives with a strong hope in the future and a deep connection with the place they love. Lots of songs about the tragedy of Katrina were composed after the hurricane to motivate people.

The importance of music in New Orleans can be represented through the variety of music concerts that have place in this city.  Not only in places designed for that function, but in the streets at the french quarter. 

1 comment:

  1. Music is DEFINITELY something that we value here. This became very obvious after Hurricane Katrina. There were a lot of non-profits that worked on getting instruments back into the hands of musicians.

